BrainFood – Dr. Nico Kolokythas

Dr. Nico Kolokythas’s Webinar
How training methods, strengthening, stretching and conditioning concepts work? 

Efficient methods vs risky ideas. Repetitions, periodisation, frequency etc.: basics from sports science for dancers. How to recognise pseudoscience?

Boglárka’s recommendation:

Every scientist needs outsider eyes to regularly provide critical appraisal of their professional knowledge, a partner to discuss recent scientific results and someone with whom they can respectfully debate anything. I know that I am not alone in this need. One of my most beloved debate partners is Nico. His solid scientific knowledge, humanism, strong ethics have helped me many times to better formulate my opinion, locate better references, and argue more logically. We disagree on various questions, but we agree on quality, transparency and on the importance of reliable information. We both stand for anti-abusive dance environments, especially in education. If I would like to upgrade my knowledge on sports science, training methods, and strength conditioning, Nico would be one of my first choices to ask for guidance as to the right direction. If you want to learn how to make the best choices about your strength training, stamina and conditioning, what are trustworthy online information sources and what is junk sport science, if you would like to build up skills to solve difficult problems like staying in shape in home isolation or quarantine, Nico’s webinar is for you. Enjoy and get stronger together.

Date: 9th October 2021



Nico Kolokythas is an accredited coach from the UK Strength and Conditioning Association (UKSCA) and has over 15 years of experience in adolescent strength and conditioning in elite performance in a variety of sports (Judo, Netball, Basketball, Football, Taekwondo, Tennis).

Based at Elmhurst Ballet School, U.K. he has completed a Ph.D. in strength and conditioning focusing on the effect of supplementary training on injuries and performance, and also works as a consultant for Birmingham Royal Ballet. He was awarded the IADMS Educator of the Year award 2019 and has been nominated for the OneDanceUK Research Impact award 2019.

Since 2014 Nico has been a visiting lecturer at the University of Wolverhampton, in the BSc in Sports Coaching Practice, the BSc in Dance Science and Performance and the MSc in Dance Science. He is also a visiting lecturer in Bern University.

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The events are financed by the NATIONAL PERFORMANCE NETZ – STEPPING OUT, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the NEUSTART KULTUR initiative: national aid program for dance. Your registration is free!!!