BrainFood – Friedrich Pohl

Friedrich Pohl’s Webinar
The German Unions
in the theatres:

rights and responsibilities of the employers and employees,
the collective agreement in German theatres (NV Bühne) and the “Bühnenschiedsgericht” – a platform to address legal conflicts

Boglárka’s recommendation:

In 2018 I was presenting at the congress of Tanzmedizine Deutschland. My topic was about the toxic management in dance institutions and about how toxic environments and narcissist leaders manipulate the professionals of dance medicine and serve to oppress and exploit dance artists. After my presentation, a young dancer stood up and asked some very relevant questions. That was Friedrich Pohl. His dedication and commitment was immediately clear. Since then, he has become an activist and made his community (Dancers Connect) and leading the group of dance professionals of GDBA union and as a future lawyer, he is specialised in some legal questions linked to dancer’s contracts and collective agreement. I am a union member! Why this is so important? Friedrich Pohl will explain you and will also introduce you to how the special arbitrational courts of the theatre industry work in Germany. These courts deal with the majority of legal issues that you might experience at your workplace as a dancer. It is too late to learn what they are and how they operate when you are actually in trouble. Friedrich will guide you through the maze of the representation of employees of the dance industry in Germany to help you to be better protected in your job.

Date: recorded webinar is released in December 2021



Friedrich Pohl Research Associate Friedrich Pohl was born in Berlin and studied dance in the Netherlands after graduating from high school. His stage work brought him via the Lucerne Theater and the Dortmund Ballet in 2013 finally to the Ballet am Rhein under the direction of Martin Schlapfer. In addition to Schläpfer’s choreographies, he also danced pieces by Joss, Landerer, Balanchine, Robbins, van Manen, Bigonzetti. Duato, Kylian and Forsythe.

In 2018 he began studying law at the Humboldt University in Berlin. In 2015 he founded the network with ensemble speakers from all over Germany, which he managed until 2021. He is a dance group councilor for the GDBA regional association Berlin-Brandenburg. Since April 2021 he has been supporting the Laaser law firm as a research assistant

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The events are financed by the NATIONAL PERFORMANCE NETZ – STEPPING OUT, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the NEUSTART KULTUR initiative: national aid program for dance. Your registration is free!!!